
A Sıfır Architectural Services

Maintains works which have been commenced in various times and fields under various company names with an amateur spirit and professional discipline. Space and requirement programs turned all hours of urban living and the requirements and consumption during the day into a heterogenous problem. Smart buildings, airless offices, speed, multiple attribute colored shell residences, highway turning into office. In additional to all of this, working for the other which is slightly out of the new similar. Structure and subsequent architecture; structure and afterwards decoration. It is our professional responsibility to be aware of this distinction.

Project Management

We can create a method statement in accordance with the project requirements such as planning, execution, control, and reporting and follow-up on your behalf in order to implement the solution / project developed as a solution to the existing issue.

Professional Service

Required works must be carried out in order to make sure that what is requested is carried out as designed with any activity, whether project or implementation or construction. Carrying out the works required to make the defined material-physical conditions available and ready for use on the site.

Idea & Concept

This is the hardest, most basic, and highest priority step. We make sure that the space you require meets the required furnishing in an appropriate context, what is requested is embodied and materialized by turning into the color and material.

Process Monitoring

We can make sure that the requested ‘thing’ is coordinated for the process of transforming the idea directed by the project management into an architectural design and subsequent installation of the estimates, quantities or materials in accordance with the season.

Architectural Design

Logo, product, space, a new building or meadows trees roads gardens etc. all of them require a fictitious mind and vision. Fictitious mind and vision is designing what you require. Any step to be added to a space, existing or new, from furnishing to space, is defined and implemented as an approximate architectural design.

Implementation & Construction

The process of carrying out the work in line with the budget defined in a specific time in accordance with the design and details of the ideal project using appropriate implementation teams and work schedule.


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